Print.IT Reseller - issue76

Editors Comment 2
Bulletin: What's new in printers and printing 4
People: A round-up of new hires 16
I couldn't do my job without... John T. Anderson picks his favourite work tools 18
Research: The future of print in the hybrid digital workplace 20
PrintIT Awards 2020: Finalists for the PrintIT Awards 2020 revealed 22
Opinion: Working from home is the new norm 28
Labelling: New applications buoying the labelling category 30
Company Profile: THS Group MD speaks about the impact of COVID-19 33
Focus On: What's New - A round-up of recent product launches 34
VOX POP: Looking to the future - Part one 38
Hybrid Working: Creating the 'next normal' in work practices, spaces and culture 46
View from the Channel: Christian Burton, CEO of Pipeline Upgrade 48
60 seconds with... David Warrington, Client Services Director, Office Fox 50
Top Distributors, Suppliers and Manufacturers 50