Technology Reseller v27

CALL RECORDING 01732 759725 28 n Start to finish We are all aware that calls into an organisation do not always finish at the same destination or person with which they started. Calls are transferred around a business, for example from sales to accounts, then on to service departments. Some calls may be transferred to specific individuals and some may go into hunt groups. Being able to record an incoming call all the way through that journey is important to many people in an organisation. Is there a training issue, an operational issue or an organisational issue? You’ll never really know unless your call recording solution has the ability to track a call uninterrupted from start to finish. n Integration Clearly it is important if a call recording solution can integrate with all associated applications, especially call management and current CRM favourite forth that occurs between customers and clients has dogged business managers. Call recording mitigates, if not eliminates, this scenario by making it possible to playback a recording of the disputed conversation. Emailing a conversation to the complainant generally makes the problem go away. It’s at this point we should note that when it comes to call recording the smart money should be invested in solutions that have an easy to use software interface for locating the disputed call. One of the best options is to have an integrated call management application where a double-click on the call record initiates call playback. n Customer Experience Call recording should be an integral part of digital transformation (DX) because each call recording represents a customer interaction and, as such, the data it contains has a value in the overall determination of what users think about products and services – what they like and don’t like etc.. Call recording solutions that have the ability for voice analytics and key word recognition (expect to pay more) will make that value more significant to users committed to improving the customer service experience. These call recordings can be shared amongst key management for analysis and or put through an analytics application (expect to pay more). n Productivity Enhancement Another original application for call recording that has stood the test of time is staff training. Any call or contact centre needs to strive for optimum agent performance, and here call recording presents the perfect opporftunity to identify why customer complaints may have been made or why sales calls were not converted. Many call recording solutions offer the ability for managers to listen in whilst agents are on a call, while the ability to conduct analysis post-call enables the right kind of agent training to be implemented. Call recording has progressed in a number of ways over the last ten years, due to three main factors: firstly, vendor cost reductions, which moved the application down the food chain, from the large corporate and enterprise markets all the way to SME-level, whilst barely touching the mid-market in terms of functionality; secondly, recognition of the value of call recording for any size of operation; and lastly, the growth of call centres, where call recording is typically used to track service requests and commercial and financial exchanges. All of this has happened at a time when users are abandoning the customer premises equipment model, with the negative accoutrements of high up-front costs and built-in obsolescence in terms of upgrade requirements, in favour of a cloud-based model where call recording can be deployed on a pay-as-you-go Software as a Service basis. KEY BENEFITS There are a number of key business benefits for deploying call recording that resellers should cover with customers: n Dispute Resolution One of the original reasons for having call recording is for the resolution of customer disputes. Since the beginning of time, the ‘he said, she said’ back and Much has changed in the call recording market in recent years. Once the expensive preserve of large enterprises, call recording is now affordable to all business types – not least because of cloud-based options Evolution of Call Recording Compliance A call recording is a piece of data that can contain personal data including financial information. Care must be taken that such data is used and stored in compliance with industry regulations, in particular the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the payment card industry’s PCI DSS regulation. These are both areas where resellers can add value to the sale of call recording solutions. Recording for Microsoft Teams ASC Technologies AG has launched a new recording solution for Microsoft Teams. ASC Recording Insights for Microsoft Teams guarantees legally compliant recording and archiving of all conversations within Teams, including audio and video calls, chats, meetings and additional data. Speech Services, a component of Azure Cognitive Services, transcribes audio conversations into text, while Natural Language Processing facilitates automated categorisation, as well as emotion detection and translation, directly within the app. ASC Recording Insights is already available for download in the Microsoft Teams Store and at Microsoft AppSource.