Technology Reseller - v14 2018

34 Information Technology for Small to Medium-sized Businesses SERVERS & STORAGE Today’s SMB customers are looking to extend the life of their servers through the use of high performance upgrades such as Solid State Drives (SSDs) and expanding memory, to avoid the cost and complexity of regular replacement. Cloud computing is also driving many SMB customers to build hybrid models that balance the use of in-house and cloud infrastructure for maximum efficiency. The same goes for backup, where technology is enabling the use of cloud to simplify secure backups and maximises the availability of key data. The growth of Software Defined Storage (SDS) is also driving the opportunity for consultancy, software and hardware sales. Check out our Nexenta products & bring new bring new levels of flexibility to SMB customers. Finally, SMB customers are looking for products and brands that deliver the performance and capabilities they need but without breaking the bank. Talk to the experts at Northamber to ensure you are maximising the Server & Storage opportunity. Which back up solution is right for your needs? Which operating system will you require? Which Warranty (Service Level Agreement) will give you the right protection? PAGE 34 Things to consider… OUR BRANDS INCLUDE ALSO AVAILABLE