Print.IT Reseller - issue 61

01732 759725 32 BUSINESS BRIEFING Fujitsu Scanners and Midwich provide partners with the support they need to effectively sell market-leading image capture devices and solutions to end-customers GDPR: an opportunity for organisations to embrace digital transformation and GDPR has really highlighted how important data management is and the overall market is up by anywhere between 8-12% YOY. As Andrew points out, the risk of fines should be enough to convince decision-makers that secure information management is no longer a ‘nice to have’, it’s essential.” Plugging the security gap Despite the fact that digital transformation is gaining traction, paper documents remain an integral part of today’s workplace. Recent statistics point to the fact that paper is inherently insecure – around 40% of data security incidents are paper-based. Moreover, customers are demanding faster access to their information and evermore rapid responses when contacting customer services. “This isn’t just a demand any more – it’s the law,” Cowling explained. “Article 15 of the GDPR allows anybody the right to access every single piece of data relating to them and businesses have just one month to find and supply it. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is a significantly simpler process if all of that data is digitised rather than paper-based.” Lucrative sales opportunities “GDPR really accentuates the importance of a strong document capture ethos. In the current era of digitisation, IOT and Big Data, why wouldn’t you want information available at the push of a button? With digital transformation programmes being accelerated, and pushed harder on the agenda than ever before scanning solutions open up plenty of lucrative sales opportunities,” Smith added. SMEs are the most likely candidates to be searching for ways to become more efficient, agile and save money. “Investment in digital transformation can now deliver savings and efficiencies across the whole business, as well as helping to prepare for future regulatory compliance,” Cowling said. “Legislation can be a powerful tool to drive a cultural change, so let us see GDPR in that light: a chance for organisations to embrace digital transformation,” he concluded. The new GDPR came into effect twelve months ago, yet at the beginning of this year, it was estimated that 74% of UK organisations were failing to comply with Article 15 (allowing subjects the right to access their own data). Fujitsu Scanners argues that the regulation means organisations simply have to embrace digitisation, particularly documents containing personal data. “Where customers and prospects may be struggling, resellers have the opportunity to step in and ask them simple questions, to identify pain points and provide them with the latest image capture solutions to support them on their digital transformation journeys,” said Fujitsu Scanners Channel Marketing Specialist, Andrew Cowling. “The potential risk of incurring a fine of up to 4% of global annual turnover or € 20million for non-compliance, is undoubtedly one of the biggest motivators for businesses to take a good look at their processes and seriously question whether they comply.” Matthew Smith, Senior Product Manager in the Midwich Document Solutions team concurs that the GDPR presents an opportunity for resellers. “For many businesses still reliant on paper-driven processes, effective and well managed document capture should be a key consideration. One year on Top tips Fujitsu Scanners believe there are seven areas resellers should ask their customers about when it comes to gauging their level of compliance: 1 Right to access: Can you find all the data you hold on an individual? 2 Retention periods: Do you know how long you can lawfully hold the data for? 3 Data erasure: Are you confident that the right of an individual to be forgotten can be met and that every single trace can be removed? 4 Privacy by design: Are you building in security steps from the outset? 5 Security: How many copies of your documents exist? 6 Consent: Do you have consent to hold the data and how will you use it? 7 Audit trails: GDPR is not just about being compliant – it’s about proving it in a court of law. Can you confidently prove your processes are lawful? Get GDPR compliant with Fujitsu End-user Offer: Buy the ScanSnap iX1500 and get a FREE ScanSnap iX100 worth £190 before May 12 2019 Further sales support is available through the Midwich sales team. Speak to your specialist today on 01379 649200 Earn Imaging Rewards from your Fujitsu scanner sales, in April get double points for every ScanSnap iX1500 sold