Business Info - issue 149 magazine 28 WORKPLACE I couldn’t do my job without... 4 Cecil the Corn Snake Working from home is a lonely existence at times and a pet can be a great companion. Cecil the corn snake is my work mate. He’s not the most exciting pet in terms of activity levels, but he is a soothing and calming influence when things become manic or stressful. I find that holding Cecil, even for just five minutes, is incredibly relaxing, and watching him inside his vivarium can provide a moment or two of welcome distraction, allowing me to regroup before continuing with my day. 5 …And a Good Breakfast At the ripe old age of 33, I’m ashamed to say that a huge bowl of Coco Pops is still how I like to kick-start my working day. Before the COVID pandemic, when I worked in the office Monday to Friday, I would have them as soon as I got to work.Working from home hasn’t changed that, and I find that a familiar routine at the start of the day guarantees to keep hunger pangs at bay until lunch! 2 UNIVERGE BLUE NEC has been #1 in global shipments in the SMB on-premise market for the past 7 years, an achievement all of us at NEC are incredibly proud of. But now, with the introduction of UNIVERGE BLUE, our journey into the UCaaS and CCaaS world has well and truly begun. UNIVERGE BLUE is our comprehensive UCaaS and CCaaS solution, boasting 100+ telephony features and the very best in productivity and collaborative capabilities, all driven from a simple to use, self-intuitive application for Windows, MAC, iOS and Android. Carrying out my daily work duties has never been easier. Regardless of my location, I’m always connected with presence, chat, voice, video and more. And best of all, I’m connected safe in the knowledge that the service is ‘five-nines’ reliable and all my communication is secure and encrypted. Screen-sharing with a colleague, running a live customer demo, broadcasting a webinar – all can be done on the same NEC cloud services platform. 3 DIY Office Furniture I now have my office set up just the way I like – but it didn’t happen overnight! In my case, a messy desk is very much a messy mind, so organisation is key. I like my workspace to be clean, clear and tidy so that I can focus fully on the day ahead. My desk kit includes two monitors, laptop, Intel NUC, UNIVERGE BLUE-enabled desk phone and, of course, a few personal touches like the pictures of my son and partner.When I found that I couldn’t get hold of a desk big enough for my needs, I had to make my own! Kieran Dalton, Cloud Sales Manager for NEC, champions the UNIVERGE BLUE cloud services platform. Here are the five things he couldn’t do his job without 1 Quality Devices Home working has been my new normal for the past 18 months and in that period my reliance on a laptop, mobile phone and even things like my Bluetooth conference speaker has increased substantially. These devices are an essential part of my working day and without them I would simply be unable to do my job efficiently, whether I’m at home, in the office, on site or even on the school run. Even more essential are the applications that run on them, which brings me neatly to my next point… Kieran Dalton UNIVERGE-BLUE