Business Info - issue 137 magazine 36 Scan Index Manage Introducing Invoice Manager from Neopost Invoice Manager is a modular blend of scanning, indexing and management technology. It is designed to reduce the cost of invoice processing, make archiving and retrieval easy and reduce the effort required to manage supplier or auditor enquiries. The benefits of Neopost Invoice Manager CAPTURE invoice information and automatically classify data captured SIMPLE STORAGE makes it easy to search and retrieve invoices and associated information in seconds Invoice information can be accessed by AUTHORISED employees via web browser Free up expensive office space as digital invoices eliminate the need to store PAPER COPIES Storing invoices as digital copies gives you ENHANCED SECURITY and disaster recovery capability Create audit trail of INVOICES which helps meet HMRC regulations for storing digital invoices INVOICE INVOICE Faster invoice capture Easy search and retrieval Easy access Lower storage costs Secure and reliable filing Improve regulatory compliance Join us on For more information visit in voice manager BY NEOPOST