Technology Reseller v49 47 MANAGEMENT measurable intervals with frequent breaks, could be your solution. Using this strategy for even just a few minutes every hour or two could help your team get things done at a faster rate. 1@ Set deadlines It’s a common misconception that setting deadlines makes people more stressed and less productive. In reality, the opposite is often true. When people know that they only have a certain amount of time to complete a task, they are more likely to work efficiently and avoid procrastination. As a result, meeting deadlines can actually improve productivity and help people to get more done in less time. Of course, it’s important not to set unrealistic deadlines that are impossible to meet, but as long as deadlines are realistic and attainable, they can be a valuable tool for increasing productivity. 1# Play to your team’s strengths By understanding the unique skills and abilities of each team member, you can assign tasks that are best suited to them. This will not only help them to be more effective in their work, but also to be more engaged and motivated. 1$ Create a culture of accountability Organisations can encourage their teams to be more productive and achieve greater success by creating a culture of accountability. Help team members feel they are part of something larger and that their individual actions have an impact on the larger goal. Accountability also requires clear communication from leaders about what is expected of team members and regular feedback to ensure that everyone is on track. Furthermore, leaders must set the tone for accountability by modelling it themselves. 1% Consider feng shui Feng shui is based on the belief that our surroundings have a direct impact on our mood and well-being. When applied to the workplace, feng shui can help to create a more positive and productive environment. There are a few simple ways to incorporate feng shui into your office space. Placing plants around the room will help to purify the air and create a more pleasant atmosphere. In addition, try to encourage staff to keep their desks free of clutter and position their computer screens so that they are not directly in line with their body. These small changes can make a big difference in overall working effectiveness. 1^ Keep track of time and stick to a schedule In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to make the most of your time. By keeping track of how you’re spending your time and sticking to a schedule, you can identify areas where you’re wasting time and make adjustments to optimise your productivity. For example, if you find you’re spending too much time checking social media, limit yourself to checking it once per day. Or, if you find that you’re procrastinating a certain task, break it down into smaller steps and set a timer to keep yourself on track. 1& Reduce your staff turnover Every business wants to keep their staff turnover low. It can be extremely costly to lose employees and have to train new ones. To minimise staff losses, make sure you make the right hires in the first place, provide good training for your employees so they feel confident in their roles, and create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. Finally, offer competitive salaries and benefits packages. By taking these steps, you can keep your staff turnover low and your business thriving. 1* Encourage breaks It can be incredibly demotivating sitting in front of a screen all day, every day, especially when there is no end of vulnerabilities to address. Getting some fresh air and sunshine will do your team good, and they’ll come back to work re-energised and ready to focus on their tasks. 1( Invest in training Training your employees can be just as effective as investing in technology to increase productivity. When employees are properly trained, they are better able to do their jobs and make fewer mistakes. This leads to increased productivity as well as higher quality work. 2) Allow for play Research has shown that play can increase productivity because it gives our brains a chance to rest and recharge. This can help us get back to work with fresh ideas and renewed energy. It can also reduce stress, leading to greater focus and concentration. If you want to boost your productivity, don’t be afraid to schedule some playtime into your day. RankedRight was founded in 2020 to help organisations gain control over their cybersecurity vulnerability programmes and optimise prioritisation of tasks. It does this by ingesting live data from customers’ scanning solutions and automatically ranking vulnerabilities based on rules created by the user. It then automatically delegates prioritised remediation tasks to the appropriate team, eliminating hours of manual triage and inconsistent decision-making and enabling users to start fixing critical vulnerabilities 80% sooner. RankedRight can prioritise data from multiple data sources, including Tenable, Qualys, Rapid 7 and Fortinet Fabric Agent, and enriches the customer’s data with the latest intelligence from 100+ vulnerability databases. RankedRight provides MSPs and MSSPs with a number of deployment options, including resale, a managed ser vice and integration with the ser vice provider’s own system.