Print.IT Reseller - issue 92

01732 759725 44 VOX POP Sylvie Thomas: “Sustainability is high on the priority list for most businesses and a strong consideration in buying decisions today. Our range of sustainability initiatives enable our customers to reduce their costs and help them reach their own carbon neutrality goals through longerlasting and lower-energy use devices. We believe it certainly does add competitive advantage, particularly when customers are looking for a partner who will support them in these efforts.” Boris Manev: “While the moral case for a shift in focus to sustainability is compelling, there is also a clear business imperative too. “For the reasons outlined above, if consumers are feeling more strongly about the environment and even boycotting brands whose environmental credentials don’t stack up, then it makes sense that brands with focused sustainability efforts will experience a competitive advantage. “In terms of business printing, the only segment to see growth in recent years is business inkjet, which provides real world proof of how consumers are actively changing their purchasing habits to more sustainable options.” Pietro Renda: “By the time all companies have levelled up with respect to their collective environmental efforts, we can’t see it having a commercial benefit per se, but it will have a positive environmental benefit which is of course the goal. Until then, companies like MPS Monitor that take an early lead on this matter, will be viewed more favourably for already taking steps to being a responsible corporate citizen. What we can say with some certainty though, is that the companies that make no or little effort to put the environment at the top of their CSR initiatives, will be the ones that stand to lose out in the long-term.” Steve Holmes: “It’s one thing to have a solution that, by default, delivers environmental value for its users. It’s another, though, to strive to ensure that all aspects of your businesses operations are as environmentallyfriendly as possible. We think the latter will become much more important over time, as companies look to partner with organisations that have similar environmental ambitions to their own. “For some time, PaperCut’s environmental efforts have been holistic, covering staff, buildings, customers and local communities. In fact, we hold ourselves accountable internally to meeting high sustainability standards. We think what’s being done behind the scenes to help protect the environment will be under the spotlight just as much as more public-facing initiatives. “With respect to whether a good environmental performance aids competitive advantage, it may do for a while until such a time that there’s much commonality between what companies are doing from an environmental perspective; loosely speaking, it’s a similar scenario to the early days of the NCAP safety testing for cars. Initially, the performance between models differed enormously. Now that safety has become a priority for consumers, manufacturers have responded by making safer cars. The test results are not only far better, but they are largely uniform across brands. This makes using safety as a USP more difficult now that every manufacturer is on board with it. So while I think that right now there is a small window of opportunity for companies to promote their environmental credentials, I don’t think that window will be open for long.” Now, for the first time, every HP employee is encouraged to set a sustainable impact goal as part of their goal setting process Dave Prezzano: “Engaging our employees in our sustainability efforts is extremely important. For the past two years, under the leadership of our CEO Enrique Lores, sustainable impact targets, including diversity, equity and inclusion, have been part of the annual performance evaluation for our executive leadership team. Now, for the first time, every HP employee is encouraged to set a sustainable impact goal as part of their goal setting process. This move emboldens every one of our employees worldwide to have a personal stake in the success of our sustainable impact strategy regardless of their role or title – essentially, we’re empowering a 55,000-person sustainable impact team within our company. Employees have greater control, meaning and purpose in their work, while helping accelerate our efforts to creating positive, lasting change at scale. “The goals can be as individual and unique as the employee. For example, making a commitment to champion equality in their team by organising perspective-sharing events, or by actively engaging in the HP Racial Equality and Social Justice Task Force. Others could commit to expanding our closed loop recycling process, enabling more end-ofservice takeback options, or empowering our customers’ transition to a circular, low-carbon economy. These are just a few ideas, but when we multiply that kind of individual action by hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of employees, you can quickly see the magnitude of the impact we can create.” Sam Johnson: “It ultimately falls on all of our people to help enable Brother’s sustainable transformation. As such, we are making sure that our ‘Five Rs’ are ingrained into all aspects of working life. These are: refuse environmentally burdensome materials when possible; reduce waste material; reuse waste materials without processing; reform waste materials in a different form; and recycle materials as resources. “To further support our staff’s sustainability efforts, we’re beginning PrintIT Reseller: How are you engaging your employees in your sustainability efforts? continued... Pietro Renda