Print.IT Reseller - issue 71

CONNECTED WORKPLACE PRINTITRESELLER.UK 39 continued... Ian Birch, Managing Director, IBC Group explores the pressing need for MSPs to remain relevant in an ever-changing workplace, one which has also brought about a new breed of decision-makers The changing face of work years? Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Robotic Process Automation, Blockchain – the list goes on? It could include any number of these things, there's no doubt. However, I believe it's actually something much simpler than that. Something more tangible which we should be able to see and feel. Let’s start by answering the question, what is the purpose of the workplace? It’s a place where people go to do their jobs. Of course, this has historically been a traditional office or factory environment. But nowadays, it’s more likely to include the home, a coffee shop, hotel, train, or client site. The reality is that the workplace has changed and continues to change. It's less about being a specific location, rather it's anywhere employees work and add value to their employers’ business. Work is a place where people collaborate with colleagues and seek to be productive. Technological advances, flexible working hours, agile working environments and a new generation of workers who are leveraging the freedom that handheld devices, mobile data and public Wi-Fi affords them, have done away with the traditional Monday to Friday, nine to five, office-based job. Work can and is now completed anytime, anywhere, but no matter when and where the actual work is being completed, managed service providers still play a critical role in ensuring workers can maximise their effectiveness and efficiency. Finally, the workplace is there to provide an environment where employees can work in a safe and fulfilling way. It’s no surprise that employees who derive meaning and significance from their work are much more likely to stay with their organisations for the long-term. Gaining and retaining talent is key for businesses of all sizes. All of this is there, ultimately, so that a business can deliver goods and services to its clients whether that’s businesses, consumers, patients, citizens or students. This is why the workplace is so important. Whilst it’s clear that delivering a good customer experience is critical, all of that work can be undone if The workplace is changing, on that I hope we can all agree. Millennials are well-established in the workplace and Generation Z are now here too. And the harsh reality is that today’s decision-makers and tomorrow’s business leaders undoubtedly have a very different view on how work gets done than the Baby Boomers and Generation X who preceded them. In addition to this, advancements in mobile and cloud technology, not to mention global issues such as COVID-19, are constantly changing how, where and when, work is conducted. For managed service providers, the current status-quo and unrelenting pace of change makes remaining relevant with today’s workforce and decision- makers, critical for long-term success. Of equal importance is building deeper partnerships with clients, future-proofing your relationships in a bid to make competitor enquiries unattractive. Buzzword bingo, anyone? The term Connected Workplace is bandied about nowadays – but what exactly is it? Is it purely the coming together of all the best buzzwords we've seen over recent Ian Birch