Print.IT Reseller - issue 68

01732 759725 50 AND FINALLY Mark Garius, Managing Director, ASL Group 60 seconds with… What’s currently having the greatest impact on your business? General business uncertainty, but nothing new and we are still riding the wave. Customers’ appreciation of our service levels and the range of managed services we provide, not just print, is aiding our growth. Where do you see the next big opportunity? As mentioned, we are offering our customers a range of products outside of MPS including unified communications, production print, digitisation and outsourced IT. Customers are still looking to remove the headaches from running their business, and as they are happy with ASL after many years of us providing their managed print, it only seems natural to look at what else we offer. What would make your day job easier? A time machine. What’s the best bit of business advice you’ve been given? Never answer an email with emotion, think it through first. Write it, delete it and then write it with a clear head. If you had had a crystal ball, would you have done anything differently? I would have pursued paths earlier in my career. Although my corporate life has given me the knowledge and understanding to be successful in my current role. Describe your most embarrassing moment Too many to mention, all not for print. What was your first job? My first job after university was a graduate trainee at Unipart. What would be your dream job? Apart from what I am doing now, England rugby captain. Fine dining and good wine, or curry and a pint? Fine dining and good wine. Curry and a pint does have its place though! How do you like to spend your spare time? I really enjoy travelling with my family. Money’s not an issue, what’s your perfect car… and where would you like to drive it? It would have to be a Bentley Continental (but driven somewhere where footballers weren’t also driving it). Favourite holiday destination? Lucca in Italy, it’s a hidden gem.