PrintIT Reseller - issue 109

01732 759725 INTERVIEW 20 In 2023, PrintIT Reseller is celebrating ten years in print. In a series of exclusive interviews over the next year, we’re inviting industry veterans to share their experiences over the past decade, what they’ve learned, and the highs and the lows of our unique and challenging industry. Here, Cameron Mitchell, Head of Indirect Channel at Konica Minolta shares his thoughts A decade in print to joining Konica Minolta running the indirect channel. A pivotal part of my working life where I learnt the pressures of owning a full P&L and the responsibility of running a business. Ultimately this has given me empathy and respect for those resellers who have built amazing businesses against all the odds. Those that take the risks, deserve the rewards. PITR: And the low point? CM: Citing the COVID years would be an obvious low point, but it evidenced yet again that strong performers make their own luck and many businesses have emerged stronger and fitter as a result. Sometimes you don’t see the rocks until the tide goes out. PITR: What (or who) has had the greatest impact in the sector in the last 10 years? CM: Transformation was already relevant to most print businesses, encompassing new technology and driving new revenue streams. The COVID years of course accelerated that transformation and continues to challenge all players into making strategic choices to keep their businesses relevant in an ever changing landscape. PITR: If you could change one thing about the last decade, what would it be? CM: There genuinely isn’t much I would change. This sector continues to evolve and whilst new technologies may develop and emerge, key players continue to find ways to solve customer problems and gain competitive advantage. PITR: What has been your proudest moment of the past 10 years? CM: My time at Konica Minolta. I’ve now had over five years here and I’ve been allowed the opportunity to make some significant changes, setting up inside sales, introducing distribution with Westcoast and a game-changing channel development programme which have all led to revenue growth. I have an amazing team around me and that gives me immense pride. PITR: Sum up the decade in three words. CM: Reflection. Realignment. Recovery. PrintIT Reseller (PITR): You’ve been working in the print and IT industry for more than ten years. What led you to enter the sector? Cameron Mitchell (CM): Like many people I came into the sector by accident, following a recommendation from a recruitment company. And I quickly found the competitive sales landscape challenging, rewarding and somewhat addictive. I never intended to stay this long but here I am. I’ve escaped a few times but I’ve yet to find a sector with the same buzz and energy and it drew me back. PITR: What was your first job? CM: I joined Agfa as a salesperson. That led me into Lanier following acquisition and an exciting chapter in my working life. PITR: What has been the high point of the decade? CM: For me personally, the last 10 years encompassed moving from being Managing Director of Printware, to setting up my own reseller business, Cameron Mitchell